Voishan v. Palma
Court of Appeals of Maryland
609 A.2d 319 (Md. 1992)
A child support obligation exceeding the maximum allowable amount under the child-support guidelines is presumed to be permissible when warranted by the parents’ incomes after consideration is given to the needs of the child.
Relevant Facts
John Voishan (the plaintiff) filed a petition for divorce from his wife, Margaret Voishan (the defendant). After a hearing, the defendant was awarded custody of the Voishans’ two daughters, and the plaintiff was ordered to pay $250 per week in child support. Four years later, the plaintiff was given visitation rights and ordered to pay increased child support in the amount of $1,400 per month. Subsequently, the plaintiff filed a motion to find the defendant in contempt for violating the visitation order. At the same time, the defendant filed a motion to modify the amount of child support.
The trial court held that the defendant was not in contempt of the visitation order and that the child support for their minor daughter should be increased to $1,550 per month. The plaintiff appealed to the court of special appeals. However, before the court of special appeals considered the appeal, the Maryland Court of Appeals granted certiorari to review the applicability of the state’s child-support guidelines.
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Last updated:
December 12, 2020
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609 A.2d 319 (Md. 1992)